A computer is an electronic processing machine. It works more or less like the human brain and brings forth results at a marvelous speed. The whole world is on the threshold of a computer revolution. It is going to be the permanent tool of the modern age. Computer is called a mechanical brain. It is superior to the human mind in its ability to remember masses of data and performs calculation at a lightning speed. No doubt, computer is considered as the greatest invention of man.

Computers are being used in all the areas today, such as in business, finance, education, and science. In industry band in business counters computers have became very much necessary. Computers have been installed in business houses, offices, factories, hospitals, banks, petrol stations and railway stations. In the air and rail reservation offices computers work with great wonder. In commercial and business houses computers keep statistics and review the sale position, etc. In the field of medical science also computers have brought a great change. The exploration of space has been one of the most exciting gifts of computers. Computers have made it possible to obtain television linkage between distant countries. Computerized photographs from satellites have helped in the field of agriculture, geology and metrology. Within fifty years, computer technology has made stupendous progress.


Computers are designed to play a very important role in the near future. But there are many dangers inherent in computer revolution. Over-dependence on computers will certainly spoil the brain power of human beings. There is no doubt that automation will result in some immediate unemployment.

Whatever may be their advantages and disadvantages. More and more computers are being installed every day. This is the march of time. Nobody can stop it. It is one piece of good news that the govt. of India is quite alive to the advantage of the use of computers. It is hoped that India will be fully computerized by the year 2020 and that it will be with the most advanced nations of the world in this respect.